You are Vitally Important to Patients

Sebastopol Safeway 406 N. Main Street
Three Day Blood Drive!
All donors will receive a voucher good for a free pint of Screamin' Mimi's ice cream, plus, will receive a $10 gift card via Donor Rewards, and be automatically entered for a chance to win one of two $10,000 gift cards.* Donors must have an online donor account and be opted into the Donor Rewards program to redeem points for the $10 gift card.

The Screamin' Mimi's Pint for a Pint Blood Drive is now a three day event.
Every 2 seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. When you donate blood, you provide a life-saving treatment for patients undergoing surgery, experiencing trauma, or battling cancer and blood disorders. Schedule your appointment to make a difference in someone’s life. All blood donors will receive a coupon for a free pint of ice cream courtesy of Screamin' Mimi's.
Your blood donation has the power to save up to three patients' lives. Do something good for your community. Please bring I.D. Appointments are strongly recommended.
Click on the date to make your appointment:
SATURDAY, AUGUST 3 - Schedule here
SUNDAY, AUGUST 4 - Schedule here
MONDAY, AUGUST 5 - Schedule here
I believe the idea that my blood could help save a life is so amazing. Even though I am not a trained medical professional, I can still make a positive impact on others.