Human blood falls into four different blood groups: A, B, AB and O. Your blood also has what is known as an Rh factor: It either contains a certain protein or it doesn’t. (This is the positive [+] or negative [-] after your blood type.) The possible combinations create eight different blood types: A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+ and O-.
You don’t need to know your blood type to donate blood. Donating blood is a great way to find out your blood type - we’ll tell you after you donate. And, whatever your type, every donor is needed and every donation transforms lives—including your own!
Click or tap on each blood type below to learn the blood types with which it’s compatible, and the type of donation that is recommended for people with each blood type.
32% of the population have this blood type.
6% of the population have this blood type.
11% of the population have this blood type.
2% of the population have this blood type.
4% of the population have this blood type.
1% of the population have this blood type.
39% of the population have this blood type.
7% of the population have this blood type.
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