Hosting a blood drive this winter is more important than ever. The outlook is dire for patients who need blood transfusions. In a trauma situation, doctors may be faced with the impossible choice: Who gets blood and who must wait?
If you’re able, please consider hosting an additional blood drive this winter to help prevent impossible choices.
About 900 more blood drives are needed this winter to help ensure patients have the blood they need. Blood drives of all sizes are vital so that cancer treatments and routine surgeries aren’t delayed, people with blood disorders will get the transfusions they need to live, and emergencies won’t wipe out a hospital’s blood supply.
Please schedule your winter blood drive today by contacting your Vitalant representative, emailing us at, or giving us a call at 877-25-VITAL and choose option 3.
If you’ve already scheduled a blood drive this winter and are looking for other ways to help, consider encouraging a fellow advocate in your community to host a blood drive to provide donors even more opportunities to give blood.
Because of you, life doesn’t stop.