Washington Hospital Coordinator Rallies Community During Critical Time
Blood drive coordinators play a vital role in supporting hospital patients in their community. Read how one coordinator rallies blood donors in her rural area.

Helping from Afar
September is National Preparedness Month. Learn how you can help your community stay prepared - during this and every month of the year.

An Unchanging Need in a Changing World
One thing never changes in this ever-changing world: You can help Vitalant ensure that every patient’s blood needs are met.

Booking a Blood Drive - What's the Rush?
What's the rush to book your next blood drive? Planning ahead benefits you and the patients who need blood.

Grace's Story
Grace needs 8 units of blood every 3-4 weeks to treat her sickle cell anemia. So far, she’s received more than 500 units of blood thanks to volunteer blood donors.