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Vitalant Blog

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FDA's Historic Shift: New Blood Donation Guidelines Embrace Inclusivity

In a groundbreaking moment for inclusivity and progress, the FDA announced its individual donor assessment final guidance, which evaluates blood donor eligibility regardless of gender or sexual orientation while maintaining the safety of the blood supply. This change in guidance welcomes more people to donate blood and help save lives.

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BDC Appreciation Week 2023: Celebrating our Blood Drive Coordinators

Vitalant is excited to celebrate our volunteer blood drive coordinators during our third annual Blood Drive Coordinator Appreciation Week, September 24 - 30, during which we celebrate the vital impact coordinators make on patients throughout the year.

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What's the Most Needed Blood Type?

When it comes to patient care and what is the most needed blood type, the answer can vary depending upon the situation. 

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Vitalant Leaders at the Forefront of Blood Donor Eligibility Change

This week, Vitalant implemented the Individual Donor Assessment reflecting the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s recent guidance for evaluating individual risk of HIV independent of gender or sexual orientation. Reaching this milestone has taken time and an extraordinary amount of effort from many people within Vitalant and across the blood services industry.   

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Donor Eligibility Update: A Letter from Dr. Vassallo

Earlier this year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced its final guidance on individual donor assessment, which evaluates blood donor eligibility independent of gender or sexual orientation, while maintaining the safety of the blood supply. 

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Continuing Her Father's Legacy

Kirsten grew up with a great example of blood donation: her father. Today she continues her father's legacy by hosting blood drives. 

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