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Blood Donation Basics

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Permanent Blood Donation Deferral

Imagine the following scenario: You set out on a mission — your lifesaving mission to save the lives of hospital patients through blood donation. But soon, you receive the disappointing news. You're told you have a permanent blood donation deferral and can't give blood. What then can you do?

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History of Blood Donation

Making a blood donation at a Vitalant location today means being welcomed into a clean and modern facility, screened thoroughly for everyone's safety, and hooked up to sterile equipment. But the early history of blood donation was a far cry from this environment.

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Low Blood Donation

Summer plans are often fun, but for hospital patients, the summer stretch is no picnic. 

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Mother's Day Memories

As we celebrate Mother's Day in May, a young mom shares how her life was saved by the generosity of blood donors. That’s why blood donation is a great way to mark Mother’s Day or to honor the mother figure in your life.

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Blood Donation Deferral

The FDA has established blood donation requirements and deferral information designed to keep the blood supply safe from bloodborne diseases, and also keep patients safe.

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Can CCP Help COVID-19 Patients?

People who either had COVID-19, are vaccinated or both have antibodies in their plasma. If blood donors’ antibodies are high enough, their plasma can help patients with weakened immune systems who are battling the virus.

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